Technical Book Haul
I've been feeling like I haven't been reading books much lately.
I used to read a lot of novels and technical books, but with the rise of games and Qiita, which provide an overwhelming amount of information, I may have lost the motivation to buy and read books. However, books are systematic and of high quality, making them easy to recommend to others. Reading popular books can also inspire me to explore fields that I'm not interested in.
So, I decided to go on a shopping spree.
Team Building
- Team Geek ―How Google's Geeks Build Teams
- Small Team, Big Work (Complete Edition): 37 Signals' Rules for Success
- How Google Works ―Our Way of Working and Management
These three books were introduced in naoya's post.
- Scala Functional Design & Programming ―A Comprehensive Guide to Functional Programming with Scalaz (Kindle Edition)
It's currently half-price on Kindle, so I couldn't resist buying it.It's now a fixed price.
- Scala Scalable Programming 3rd Edition
- The new edition has arrived. I pre-ordered it since it was released on 9/20.
- SOFT SKILLS The Manual for Software Developers' Lives
- I've heard a lot about it.
I'm currently reading some of these books, so I'll try not to let them pile up.