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The Interesting Aspects of Crypko and What's to Come

about14mins to read

I've started playing Crypko.ai, and I found it very interesting. Here, I'll note down what makes it interesting and what might happen in the future.

By the way, I initially bought these cards. They were all under 1 ETH and had relatively cheap faces.


When I tried synthesizing the first two, I got this child. As you can see, the characteristics of the parents are inherited, such as the direction of the face and hair color. The hat and clothes are randomized, but it's cute!




What kind of game is it?

It's a game where you collect cards featuring anime-style girls. It uses Ethereum, similar to CryptoKitties.


You can buy, sell, synthesize, and rent cards as you like. Synthesis is particularly important, as it allows you to create new cards by combining two existing ones. The cards used for synthesis have a cooldown period, making them temporarily unusable.

The main gameplay involves creating your ideal face, buying and selling cards, and earning money. In the official version, the creator will own the copyright, allowing you to use the images as Twitter icons, for example.

Currently, it's in beta and uses a test network, so you can play for free (and even earn some ETH).

How do you start?

Please refer to the blog post by a pioneer. The post summarizes the steps nicely. Thank you!


(Added on 2018-06-02: As pointed out by @eai04191, the following is incorrect. You can use multiple devices by importing existing DEN or restoring from a seed phrase.)
Note that you cannot log in to the same account on multiple devices using Metamask, so you'll need to set up separate accounts on your smartphone and PC.
I set it up on my Android smartphone as follows:

  • Installed Firefox for Android
  • Installed Metamask on Firefox
  • Registered and connected to the Rinkeby Test Net on Metamask
  • Opened the Crypko site and signed up/in after switching to landscape mode
  • Signed up/in by opening Metamask from the menu
  • For processes that require authentication, such as buying or fusing, you need to explicitly open Metamask from the menu (it won't open automatically)

I didn't realize I had to open Metamask explicitly and thought it was unresponsive, so I ended up retrying 15 times.

What makes a good face?

I think what's important is that the face looks natural and human-like. The eyes, in particular, are crucial, and if they're off, the evaluation will be significantly lower.

Thanks to the trained model, the faces don't break easily, but it's interesting to see how they occasionally turn out.

Crypko beta images can be used freely for non-commercial purposes, but the copyrights belong to the Crypko team. In the official release, the creator will own the copyright.

You can use Crypko beta images freely for non-commercial usages, but their copyrights belong to Crypko team. #crypko— Crypko Official (@Crypko) May 24, 2018


The Interesting Aspects of Crypko

High-accuracy face generation

As you can see from the images, the faces generated are quite good. The accuracy of the faces, excluding the clothes and accessories, is impressive. You can even predict the resulting face when synthesizing.

Real-world genetic principles

When you synthesize two faces, the resulting face inherits characteristics from both parents. It's like the survival of the fittest in the biological world.

Additionally, the official team occasionally releases new, unseen faces, ensuring diversity and increasing the chances of creating better faces.

Social game elements

The game system is similar to a social game, with RMT (real-money trading) and unique cards. Unlike typical social games, RMT is allowed, and the same card can be obtained multiple times.

It's like creating art

You can create your ideal face by combining attributes. Crypko allows you to create your desired face even if you can't draw. It's a game that lets you experience the joy of creation.

Individual preferences are reflected

Since you can create your ideal face, it reflects your personal preferences. (In the official version, the creator will own the copyright, so you can use the image as an icon or for self-introduction.)

A large and accurate dataset

The game will accumulate a large, accurate dataset of faces, which can be used not only to improve Crypko's face generation but also in various research fields.

Characterization is possible

You can add names and bios to each face. If a famous writer creates the bio, it could become a character with a story.

It's like a yuri (girls' love) story

"You combine two girls and create a new girl with characteristics from both. Isn't this a yuri story?" This kind of trivia might be posted, and individual character traits will become important.

What Crypko Might Lead to

The birth of a god breeder

A player who consistently creates high-value daughters will emerge, earning a living from it. Eventually, companies might employ such players, and a "god breeder" will be born. It's like a magician who creates amazing children from mediocre parents.

God artists entering the game

Officially released faces created by god artists will be sold at high prices. Those who purchase them can use them as is or try to create new, better faces. It's like having a "grandchild of a famous artist" or a "three-generation descendant of a legendary artist."

Ultra-rare faces

Faces that resemble existing characters or have unique features will be born. These cards will be extremely valuable and traded at high prices. It might lead to a situation where hackers target these cards or street fights break out over them, similar to the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!


I've never played a game like CryptoKitties before, so this is a new experience for me. I think it's a game that will draw a clear line between itself and other games. I'm interested in seeing if it will become a trend or just a fleeting topic.

There are many interesting points, but I think the motivation to "create the strongest wife" is what makes this game enjoyable (or at least, it's fun to play in a local environment).
