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TOEFL Test Listening Problems 190 (4th Edition) Review


I've solved all the problems.

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Overall rating: 0 (Recommended for some people)

I thought it was good for beginners who have never done TOEFL listening before. However, it seems too easy to aim for 80-100 points as mentioned on the cover. I can't get 100 points myself, so I'm not sure.

Good points

  • The difficulty gradually increases, making it easy to build a foundation
  • Practice problems that allow you to grasp the basics of TOEFL listening one by one
    • Long listening techniques such as note-taking and retention
    • Problem formats like lectures and discussions
  • The questions hit the right spots, so you can't get the correct answer unless you've listened carefully
  • The problem areas are diverse, and the length is close to the actual test
  • The CD tracks are divided by question, making them easy to find

Bad points

  • The speed is not very fast
  • There are few narrators, and only people with the same way of speaking appear


For those with a certain level of ability, it might sound quite easy. It's hard to imagine aiming for 80-100 points with this.
Also, there are few narrators and the same way of speaking continues, so your ears might not be trained much.
On the other hand, I think it's a good material for gradually training if you've just started preparing for TOEFL or if you're getting tired of TOEIC.
