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"The Law of Stock Price Surge" Review


I skimmed through it as it was free on Prime Reading.

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足立 武志 (読み手),西村 剛 (読み手),田村 祐一 (読み手)

Overall rating: +1 (Recommended)

It's well-organized with the basics of investing, so I recommend it for those who are thinking of starting stock trading or have just tried a little trading. While it might be difficult to make a fortune with just the information here, it's certainly not harmful to know.

Overall Evaluation

With the title "The Law of Stock Price Surge", about 60 topics are explained. The title is somewhat clickbait, and I felt it should have been limited to something like "The Law of Stock Price Fluctuation".

The three excellent points of this book are:

  • Not dubious (relatively high objectivity)
  • Focused on topics useful for trading
  • Clean layout


Not dubious (relatively high objectivity)

Unlike typical get-rich-quick books, it can be said to faithfully adhere to the concept of explaining the rules. While analysis results are interspersed appropriately, I didn't find any groundless content or extreme claims.

Focused on topics useful for trading

Rather than just explaining theory endlessly, it includes content that is useful for trading.

For example, it covers anomalies, themes, and technicals, explaining not only theoretical bases but also investor psychology. This information is particularly useful to know from the time you start investing.

It's also impressive that it doesn't delve into high-hurdle topics like reading the order book, limiting itself to just touching on volume.

Clean layout

It explains one topic over two pages, with one page for topic explanation and another for diagrams. The very readable layout makes it easy to understand even for beginners who might not have a real sense of things yet. It's also suitable for looking back and reading later.


So, why isn't the rating +2? That's simply because it wasn't quite right for me. It would have been good to know this a long time ago. Also, there's no information or claims unique to this book. It can be viewed as a paper summarizing research in the field, as sometimes seen at international conferences.

For those with no experience, I most recommend reading it after trying trading a few times. I think it might be difficult to get interested if you have absolutely no experience.
