English Listening Quiz on YouTube Part 2 - Steam Reviews Edition
This is the second listening quiz. For the purpose and other details, please refer to the article below.
This time, the topic is the familiar Steam. Steam reviews are important for choosing from numerous games, but they naturally have their issues. The video for this quiz is about how to select truly "Overwhelmingly Positive" games in such a context.
The difficulty of the questions is slightly higher than last time. As before, those who want to increase the difficulty can try answering without watching the video.
Overwhelmingly Positive: The Highest Rated Games On Steam (13 min)
By the way, the video introduces planetarian as a Chinese game and plays some familiar BGM, which may interfere with listening.
Unrelated to listening, it's interesting to see DEEP SPACE WAIFU reviving a game system that was all the rage 30 years ago.
- What are the 3 problems with Steam reviews?
- Which of these 3 is considered the biggest problem?
- How is planetarian classified, and why?
- What part of DEEP SPACE WAIFU does the speaker think is the best?
- How many user reviews does DDLC currently have, according to the speaker?
- Why does the speaker recommend crawl?
- When was A Hat In Time released?
- How is the price of A Hat In Time described?
- How many years has the author been playing games, and what genre has he never heard of?
- What kind of users make up the majority of nekopara reviews?
- How is the price of nekopara described?
- What name did the speaker change from, and why?
Use rewind and subtitles to find the answers! There's some slang here and there, but WAIFU is easy to understand - it means wife.
Previous quiz
To be continued?