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"Finding Paradise" Review


In the previous article, I talked about stumbling upon the English ADV To the Moon, and now I've completed its sequel, Finding Paradise.


Overall rating: +0 (Recommended for some)

The evaluation hasn't changed much from last time, but to be honest, it didn't exceed expectations.
However, if you enjoyed the previous work, there's no reason not to play it.
It leads to the next installment, so let's complete it and wait for the sequel.

↓Here's the previous article↓


Good Points

Almost all the good points from the previous work are carried over, and there have been several improvements and changes.

The story style is mostly similar, but this time there's even more ingenuity.
I can't write about the details to avoid spoilers, but after completion, you'll feel that it's well thought out.

The quality of the BGM is still excellent, but this time there's less piano sound and more string instruments.
This is a matter of preference, so the evaluation will vary depending on which you prefer.
Personally, I like the main theme of this one more than the previous work.

Additionally, I felt that the background graphics have evolved from the previous work.
Each scene is more vibrant, and combined with the BGM, you'll feel the emotion.

Also, the memento puzzles, which weren't very prominent in the previous work, have become a simplified feature where "you just need to clear them", which could be considered an improvement.

Not-so-good Points

While it's undoubtedly a good work that inherits the good points of the previous one, I'm left unsatisfied that the points I was expecting weren't resolved.

The story of this work was somewhat predictable in its development.
The sense of excitement was diminished, and personally, I feel it's slightly inferior compared to the previous work.

Not all the mysteries of the story were resolved. This means there will be another sequel.
And it's still a mystery how many parts there will be.
It's somewhat expensive (in Steam terms), and long series often drag in the middle, so it would be more understandable if the volume of each work increased or if it ended as a short story.

The systemic complaints from the previous work are carried over as it is.
Mac users are probably thinking, "At least let us change the volume"...

Overall Evaluation

For better or worse, it continues from the previous work and leads to the next installment.
Those who enjoyed the previous work won't regret playing it, and those who didn't probably won't have a much different opinion.
The next work hasn't been announced at this point, but judging from the pace of past works, it might be around 2020...?
Let's wait patiently.
