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Earn a 5% Rebate on Top of Gifts through Furusato Taxation (Especially for Amazon Users)

about6mins to read

The year 2018 is coming to an end. It's been a wild ride.
As it's already December, I think there are many people who are scrambling to find a way to take advantage of Furusato taxation.

In this article, I will explain a method of Furusato taxation that is particularly beneficial for Amazon users. You can earn a 5% rebate on top of gifts.

Simple Explanation

I will proceed on the assumption that you are using Furusato Premium. The reason is that you are an Amazon user. I will explain the details later.

By following the simple steps below, you can earn a rebate of over 500 yen (=5%+), separate from the usual gifts, for a donation of 10,000 yen. Note that I assume the point site and credit card points are both 1%.

  1. Access Furusato Premium through a point site
  2. Make the payment using a credit card that earns points

Detailed Explanation

Using a Point Site (1%~)

There are several Furusato Premium plans, so you can choose the point site you like. Some of them offer 3% points.


I used Hapitas. Although it seems like a loss with a fixed 128 yen per donation, I chose it for its convenience.


Using Furusato Premium (3%)

For a limited time in December, you can earn a 3% Amazon gift card. If, hypothetically, you receive a 40% Amazon gift card as a gift, you would earn a total of 43% Amazon gift card and 2%+ other points. This is just a hypothetical scenario.


By the way, the value of gifts is capped at 30% of the donation amount, so the rebate rate for Furusato taxation has been decreasing. As a result, some local governments are offering high-rebate gifts, which are often limited to specific websites and may only be available on weekends.

Currently, Wowma offers the highest rebate rate among point sites. Although it's a latecomer, it's worth considering if you find a gift you like.

Credit Card Points (1%~)

This is a basic credit card point rebate.
Use your preferred card.
The rebate rate varies, so I assume it's 1%.

Note that Kyash is not eligible for cashback on Furusato taxation, so I couldn't earn an additional 2%. Unfortunately.



  • It takes about 2 months to receive the Amazon gift card.


I didn't do anything special, but I was able to earn an additional 5% rebate.
This method is particularly effective for high-amount Furusato taxation.

I thought about using Paypay or Kyash to earn more points, but I couldn't find a good route.
It seems that cashing out is well-regulated.
