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Measuring Rust Test Coverage using mozilla/grcov

about9mins to read

How do you usually measure test coverage in Rust?

I think many people use kennytm/cargo-kcov or xd009642/tarpaulin, but there is also an official tool called mozilla/grcov. This project was started for Firefox's coverage measurement, and it is expected to continue to be developed stably in the future. In fact, frequent commits can be seen.


In this article, we will create a shell script that easily measures test coverage using mozilla/grcov. Since it is not yet mature, the usage may change in the future, so please confirm it yourself when using it.


We will prepare the necessary tools for execution.

  • grcov
    • This is the tool itself. It can be easily installed with cargo install grcov.
  • Nightly Rust
    • The Nightly version is necessary for test coverage measurement. It can be easily installed with rustup install nightly.
  • lcov
    • This is used to generate an HTML coverage report (genhtml). On Mac, it can be installed with brew install lcov.



#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -eux

PROJ_NAME=$(cat Cargo.toml | grep -E "^name" | sed -E 's/name[[:space:]]=[[:space:]]"(.*)"/\1/g' | sed -E 's/-/_/g')
rm -rf target/debug/deps/${PROJ_NAME}-*

export RUSTFLAGS="-Zprofile -Ccodegen-units=1 -Cinline-threshold=0 -Clink-dead-code -Coverflow-checks=off -Zno-landing-pads"

cargo +nightly build --verbose
cargo +nightly test --verbose

grcov ./target/debug/deps -s . -t lcov --llvm --branch --ignore-not-existing --ignore-dir "/*" -o lcov.info
genhtml -o report/ --show-details --highlight --ignore-errors source --legend lcov.info

Running this in the project root will generate a report in report/index.html.


We will create a shell script by referring to the grcov README's Travis version script. The goal is to " generate a measurement report with a single command ".

First, we check the flags. We set CARGO_INCREMENTAL and RUSTFLAGS to make the settings suitable for measurement. You may need to change them depending on your use case.

export RUSTFLAGS="-Zprofile -Ccodegen-units=1 -Cinline-threshold=0 -Clink-dead-code -Coverflow-checks=off -Zno-landing-pads"

Since we are using Nightly's functionality with flags, we specify the channel with +nightly.

cargo +nightly build --verbose
cargo +nightly test --verbose

After the test is complete, it's finally time for grcov. We specify ./target/debug/deps, which may seem unexpected, but the GCNA/GCNO files are generated here. For details, see the cov documentation.

grcov ./target/debug/deps -s . -t lcov --llvm --branch --ignore-not-existing --ignore-dir "/*" -o lcov.info

The temporary file specified with -o is generated. We convert this file to HTML to make it readable by humans. The result is output to the directory specified with -o.

genhtml -o report/ --show-details --highlight --ignore-errors source --legend lcov.info

However, when we actually run it, we notice that an error occurs when the code changes.

+ grcov ./target/debug/deps -s . -t lcov --llvm --branch --ignore-not-existing --ignore-dir '/*' -o lcov.info
Error in computing counters:
Unexpected number of edges (in xxx) in xxx

It seems that incremental compilation is causing the issue. Running cargo clean every time solves the problem, but it takes a very long time due to the rebuild of dependencies. Since we couldn't identify the cause (please comment if you know), we temporarily solved it by deleting the corresponding GCNA/GCNO files. We also take PROJ_NAME from Cargo.toml instead of hardcoding it to increase versatility.

PROJ_NAME=$(cat Cargo.toml | grep -E "^name" | sed -E 's/name[[:space:]]=[[:space:]]"(.*)"/\1/g' | sed -E 's/-/_/g')
rm -rf target/debug/deps/${PROJ_NAME}-*

There may be cases where this doesn't work, so it's a good idea to run cargo clean beforehand if build speed is not important.

That's it. The above process is summarized in the TL;DR shell script.


We created a script that measures test coverage using mozilla/grcov. Since it doesn't rebuild dependencies when the code changes, it can measure coverage at a practical speed. mozilla/grcov is actively being developed, so we'd like to keep an eye on it in the future.
