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Summary of Recent Books I've Read

about19mins to read


I've read various books recently, so I'll summarize the ones that are generally well-received as a memo. I'll add a brief comment, but if there's a lot to write, I'll summarize them in separate articles.

By the way, I've been summarizing the books I've read recently on ブクログ. It's free, non-public, and very helpful. Also, many books were almost free with Kindle Unlimited.

Economics Books

Mankiw's Principles of Economics (3rd Edition)

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N・グレゴリー・マンキュー (著),足立 英之 (翻訳),石川 城太 (翻訳)

The title may seem intimidating, but the content is rich in concrete examples and very easy to understand. Recommended for those who want to delve deeper into economics.

Economics Classroom for American High School Students

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デーヴィッド・A・メイヤー (著),桜田 直美 (翻訳)

The content is like a textbook, but it's written in a very detailed and easy-to-read manner. It's a great way to learn economics at a moderate depth.

Illustrated Instant Mastery: Understanding the Financial Industry and Business with This One Book

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A book from the familiar technical review society. The content is broad, but the illustrations are rich and easy to understand, making it a great introduction.

Illustrated Instant Mastery: Understanding Bonds with This One Book

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The author is different, but it's also a book from the technical review society. This one focuses on bonds and is just as easy to understand. Recommended for those who want to learn about bonds.

Practical Books

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change

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完訳 7つの習慣 人格主義の回復: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change
スティーブン・R・コヴィー (著),フランクリン・コヴィー・ジャパン (翻訳)

The king of self-help books. The principles are concise and easy to understand, making it a great foundation for other self-help books and mottos.

Moving People: The Art of Influence

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人を動かす 文庫版
D・カーネギー (著),山口 博 (翻訳)

A famous book focusing on human relationships. It's more about self-help than introducing techniques, giving it a fundamental feel.

Search Inside Yourself: The Unexpected Path to Achieving Success, Happiness (and World Peace)

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サーチ・インサイド・ユアセルフ ― 仕事と人生を飛躍させるグーグルのマインドフルネス実践法
チャディー・メン・タン (著),一般社団法人マインドフルリーダーシップインスティテュート (著),柴田裕之 (翻訳)

A book that interprets meditation from an engineering perspective and turns it into training (SIY). It's easy to understand and practice, and the benefits of controlling your emotions and thoughts are immeasurable.

Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World--and Why Things Are Better Than You Think

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ハンス・ロスリング (著),オーラ・ロスリング (著),アンナ・ロスリング・ロンランド (著),上杉 周作 (翻訳),関 美和 (翻訳)

A book that teaches you to think based on data and not be overly pessimistic or dramatic. Especially important for investors, as it can help you develop strategies.

Right, You're Right: The Human Science of Problem-Solving

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ライト,ついてますか: 問題発見の人間学
ドナルド・C・ゴース (著),G.M.ワインバーグ (著),木村 泉 (翻訳)

A book filled with small stories and practical tips for problem-solving. Although it was published in 1987, the translation is difficult to read, so you might want to try the original.

GO OUT: The Age of Success for Those Who Take Action

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A book that's not just about the title, but also about how to control your unconscious mind, think logically, and appreciate art. It's a fascinating book with many thought-provoking points.


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A book by the famous shogi player, Hiroshi Yamaguchi. It's filled with practical tips and has many points in common with "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People".

The Market of Desire and Fantasy

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エドウィン・ルフェーブル (著),林 康史 (翻訳)

A novel about the legendary speculator, Livermore. It's almost an autobiography, and the universal lessons it teaches are valuable.

The Pro Gamer's Way of Thinking

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The Art of Winning: Umebara's Way

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Get Stronger One Step at a Time

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Autobiographies of professional gamers. They depict the harsh world of competition and the importance of long-term growth over short-term wins.

Economics and Behavioral Economics

24 Essential Knowledge for Real Estate Professionals - Official Side Reader of "Honest Real Estate"

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A book that reveals the harsh realities of the real estate industry through interviews. It's a great way to learn about the industry.

The Truth About Algorithmic Trading

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NTTデータ・フィナンシャル・ソリューションズ先端金融工学センター (著)

Always "Not Having Enough" Time: The Behavioral Economics of Scarcity

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いつも「時間がない」あなたに 欠乏の行動経済学 (早川書房)
センディル ムッライナタン (著),エルダー シャフィール (著),大田 直子 (翻訳)

(Details in a separate article)


How to Apply Behavioral Economics

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Physical and Life Hack Books

What Every Pianist Should Know About Their Body

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トーマス マーク (著),トム マイルズ (著),ロバータ ゲイリー (著),小野 ひとみ (監訳),古屋 晋一 (翻訳)

A book that was popular in the music game community. It made me realize the importance of understanding my body.

50 Ways to Make Friends with Your Piano

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Similar to the above book. Reading both will deepen your understanding.

How to Optimize Your Brain: A Scientific Approach to Improving Your Work Efficiency and Speed

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A book that uses reward systems and hormone control to improve sleep quality and work efficiency.

The Art of Not Procrastinating

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イ・ミンギュ (著),吉川南 (翻訳)

A book that's more about self-help than behavioral economics. It's filled with practical tips for achieving your goals.

Nutrition Books

The Amazing Story of Nutrients: A Fun and Easy Guide

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The Amazing Story of Protein: A Fun and Easy Guide

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A Lifetime of Nutrition: A Comprehensive Guide

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一生役立つ きちんとわかる栄養学
飯田薫子 (読み手),寺本あい (読み手)

The Ultimate Nutrition Encyclopedia

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Nutrition for Building Muscle: The Ultimate Guide

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All of these books emphasize the importance of protein. I'm still searching for a balanced diet that's easy to prepare and doesn't get boring.

Art and Literature Books

The World History of Weird Books

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A book that covers weird books from around the world, including the Voynich Manuscript and the Asahi Shimbun's special feature on hoaxes.

The Best of Western Art: A 2-Hour Tour

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死ぬまでに見たい 洋館の最高傑作
青木 祐介 (著),田中禎彦 (監修),小野 吉彦 (写真)

A book that takes you on a tour of Western art, focusing on famous works and their history.

Understanding Western Art in 10 Hours

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A book that explains Western art history in a conversational style, making it easy to understand.

The Complete Works of Mucha

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ミュシャのすべて (角川新書)
堺 アルフォンス・ミュシャ館(堺市立文化館) (著)

I was shocked by how little I knew about Mucha's work. This book is a detailed guide to his art and goals.

The Art of Ghibli's Backgrounds

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A book that reveals the amazing backgrounds of Ghibli films. It made me want to watch the movies again.

Blue Archive Official Artworks

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Blue Archive Official Artworks 2

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The illustrations are so amazing that I recommend getting the physical books.

Design Books

Design for Product Designers: A Guide to Designing Products That Sell

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A book that's useful for engineers who want to communicate their ideas through design. It's easy to understand and has many practical tips.

Design for Fun: A New Approach to Design

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A book that explains design principles in a graphical and easy-to-understand manner. It's a great reference book.

The Art of White Space: A Guide to Effective Design

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The Art of Color: A Guide to Effective Design

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The Art of Typography: A Guide to Effective Design

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These three books are by ingectar-e and focus on design principles. They're great for understanding the intentions behind design and are very interesting.

Entertainment Books

Yamazaki Mari's World Travelogue

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A book by Yamazaki Mari, known for her work in JAL's in-flight magazine and Termae Roma. It's a fascinating collection of stories from around the world.

Minshu Shuran: A Tokyo Gourmet Guide for the Common People

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A guide to Tokyo's gourmet scene, focusing on affordable and accessible restaurants.

Nara Story Collection

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A collection of stories about Nara, a city I'm not familiar with. The atmosphere is fascinating.

Thai Transportation Travelogue

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A travel guide that focuses on transportation, which is a unique and refreshing approach.

BLEACH Complete Edition

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I finally read the entire series. It's a great story with many memorable quotes.

The Star Inheritors

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星を継ぐもの (創元SF文庫) (創元推理文庫 663ー1)
ジェイムズ P.ホーガン (著),池 央耿 (翻訳)

A 1980s sci-fi novel that's still fascinating today. It's a great read for anyone who's played Factorio.

Martian Chronicles

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火星の人〔新版〕 上 (ハヤカワ文庫SF)
アンディ ウィアー (著),小野田 和子 (翻訳)

A classic sci-fi novel that's still widely read today. It's a great story with many thought-provoking points.

The Gods of Slow Height

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A suspense novel that's hard to categorize. It's a fascinating read with many twists and turns.
