Rhythm Game Progress (2024/11)
October was full of events and preparations, and before I knew it, November had arrived. I was overwhelmed, but fortunately, it seems my skill level is steadily improving. Here, I'll summarize the current situation.
The previous article (from two months ago) is here.
EPOLIS has ended, and the version has changed. BP disappeared, the charts that can be selected in Step Up were reset, we can no longer choose ☆11 on the first song, and we can't take the Kaiden exam for a while - the usual harassment has been carried out, but let's continue to enthusiastically pound the keys.
I've seen overwhelming growth in turntable skills. I've found that I can do it if I try, and I'm experiencing the joy of rhythm games. Regarding the ☆10 charts I mentioned in the previous article, I've made the following progress. There was no growth in turntable skills at all before, so this is a dramatic change for me personally.
- Shakunetsu (H): BP70 -> BP32
- HEARTACHE: Not EXH -> EXH (single-digit BP)
- Shakunetsu Pt.2 (H): Not Hard -> Hard (BP34)
Also, I managed to get Easy on Watch Out Pt.2 and The Chase. However, there are many BPs, and considering the difficulty level, I should be aiming for Hard, so more practice is needed.
In BMS, I'm filling in the Turntable Difficulty Table (3rd). I don't have many charts on hand, but ◎-1 seems like it could be filled with FC, and ◎5's EASY seems like it could light up but doesn't, so there's a lot to play with. For some reason, I even got Easy on ◎8, and my ability to consistently spin is improving, but it probably won't be useful in AC.
Overall, my sensitivity to the number of consecutive turntable spins has increased, and I feel like I can correctly spin two, three, and five consecutive turntables. I'll continue to spin vigorously to be able to tackle higher-level turntable charts.
In BMS, I'm playing with the green numbers doubled. At first, I couldn't even get EASY on charts equivalent to ☆8, but now I can basically get Easy on sl0, and there are some I can Hard. Humans really do get used to things if they try.
I even managed to Hard AltMirrorBell, one of the strongest ★1 charts. I'll keep working to be able to beat twinklesky as well.
In AC, I've gotten Hard on POSSESSION, and I can keep a decent amount of gauge on the slow part of PARANOiA ~HADES~, which is a world of difference in stability compared to before. However, as mentioned later, I still fall short of the necessary skills and need more training.
Starting from barely getting AAA on EDEN, I've now started to light up on simple ☆10s like Ciel・Vianney-Present. Although I haven't been tracking very accurately, I feel like my scores have generally improved. It feels like there are more charts where I might not reach AAA, but I can consistently get to the latter half of AA. The sense of pressing in rhythm seems to have developed, which might have had a positive effect on turntable and soflan skills as well.
Doushite Inakunatte Shimattano
Rapid Hitting & Note Density
There's no visible progress here. It's a relief that I don't feel like I've gotten worse compared to before. I might need to increase practice on high note density charts.
I'm also making gradual progress on the Second Period Rapid Hitting Difficulty Table and the Third Period LN Difficulty Table.
In Blue Archive's rhythm game, charts with difficulties exceeding double digits on the LN difficulty table were raining down, as expected of a Korean rhythm game.
Kaiden Songs
Comparing the BPs of recent Kaiden songs with last time (I forgot to take photos):
- Shakunetsu: BP233 -> around 210
- Himiko: BP187 -> around 160
Shakunetsu is on a different level, and it doesn't feel like it's continuous with the turntable charts I've played so far. I don't feel like I can do it if I keep going like this, but since I haven't even filled in ☆11 turntable charts, I think I'll continue with similar training for a while.
Himiko hasn't changed much in terms of BP, but I didn't make any mistakes during the middle slow part. On the other hand, I could barely hit the last slow part and probably had over 30 BPs, so it seems my slow speed skills are still lacking. If I could avoid mistakes in the last slow part, I might have gotten Easy with BPs in the 130s, so I might be at a level where I could qualify for the Kaiden exam. If someone told me that the last part of Himiko is overwhelmingly more difficult than the middle part, there's nothing I can do about it. It seems I need to be able to hit the abnormal density in the middle part and then gear change.
Lamp Updates
I'm also feeling a bit stuck with lamp updates. In terms of CPI, the 1600-1700 range is tough, with many charts having 70-100 BPs. I don't feel like my fingers can't keep up, so I might not be recognizing and hitting accurately. The 1700 range feels like it's about two levels above my current skill level. There's also data suggesting that if I can get Hard on 1700 range charts, it's a flag for Kaiden, which is very close to my perception. There are many charts where even Easy is questionable, let alone Hard, so it seems I still need to increase my tolerance for high density.
So, I'll continue to train turntable and soflan skills while gradually tackling higher difficulties to increase the density I can Hard.
I'll also summarize the current situation for DDR. I haven't been able to exercise much lately, and with winter coming, it's likely to get even tougher, but I want to make an effort to play regularly for my health.
Play Style
Currently, I'm not paying much attention to flair skills, but rather focusing on improving scores on medium difficulties, aiming for FCs, or trying to clear high difficulties.
With WORLD, it's easier to advance to EX, and the LIFE4 restriction in EX has been removed, making it easier to tackle high difficulties. Furthermore, with the addition of CONSTANT, the strongest option, the number of high difficulties I can clear has increased, making it easier to see results. There are still many unplayed charts, so there should be a lot of progress I can write about here.
The most notable thing is the recent MFC I got. Polaris no Uta is a new song, meaning the chart and sound are not out of sync (probably), and the bass drum is easy to hear, so it's an easy song to match. But ESP and CSP are underrated. The BSP chart has all notes on the measure lines, so there was no need to step on quarter notes.
Uchuu ga Mabe de Mitasareru you ni
The current challenge is that I only have a handful of PFCs on Lv.12,13, and AAAs on 14. When there's a bit of yellow or the density increases, I can't get accuracy, and even if I FC easily, I get a lot of Greats. I'm not sure of the cause at the moment, but I'm concerned that my line of sight might be too close to the judgment line, meaning I'm only doing visual timing. I'm thinking of trying to increase the hi-speed and step in time with the song.
High Difficulty
For Lv.18, I've cleared 43/87. There are many unlocked charts, so the actual number of uncleared charts is around 30. There are many charts I haven't played since WORLD started, so the first challenge will be choosing which ones to play.
It's hard to choose because my stamina is depleted after one play. When I tried DIGITALIZER, it was terrible.
I don't understand anything
The stamina depletion is a recognition problem, so it seems good to build up from recognizing 16s.
Winter is a tough season because it takes time to warm up, but let's continue to work hard.