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Getting Over It Strategy? vol.1


I bought Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy.
To be honest, it's more like I was forced to buy it.


Since it's too painful to play alone, I'll write an article to get some sense of accomplishment.
Note that I haven't seen any existing playthroughs, and I'll be playing without any spoilers.

This time, I'll introduce the game and provide strategies for overcoming the initial difficulties.

What kind of game is this?

It's a crappy game.

To explain in more detail, it's a high-difficulty game with malicious intent.
Unlike other crappy games that are born from lack of budget or technical limitations, this game is designed to deliberately give players a bad feeling. It's a game that's so bad, it's astonishing.

You can't understand it just by hearing about it. I recorded a 30-second gameplay video, so please take a look.


By the way, I have no idea why the lower body is a pot. But at this point, it doesn't matter anymore.
If you want a more detailed explanation, please check the Steam store page.

How painful is it?

When you hear "high-difficulty game" or "death game", you might think of "I Wanna Be the Guy".
However, that game is an action game where you can move freely.

https://dic.nicovideo.jp/a/i wanna be the guy

This game, on the other hand, is designed to stress you out with its poor operability.
And what's even worse is the backtracking.
You struggle to overcome an obstacle, only to fall back to the starting point. That's the painful part.


Overcoming the first obstacle

I've been writing about how painful the game is, so let's get to the strategy part.
Let's think about how to overcome the first obstacle, "the tree".

From here on, there will be spoilers, so if you want to play the game yourself, please go back.

This is "the tree".


It looks harmless, but the top part is a nightmare.
If you try to climb from the top, you won't have enough momentum.

So, what do you do?
You place your hammer on the second step from the top

Tree 2nd step

and then swing your hammer with all your might to reach the third step

Tree 3rd step


Tree 4th step

and land safely

Tree 5th step

I was able to overcome it like this.
As you get used to the controls, you'll find a more stable way to do it.

Here's the video.


The next obstacle

Just because you've overcome the tree doesn't mean you get any rewards. The next obstacle is waiting for you.
This time, it's the "rocky cliff".

Rocky Cliff
Rocky Cliff

I'm already getting a bad feeling about this.
As expected, the top branch is a pain.

Here, you need to climb up to the branch and use centrifugal force to overcome it.


It's easy, right? I've tried it dozens of times.

Another obstacle

Are you getting tired of reading this? I'm already exhausted.

Next, we have the "smooth rock".
The hammer slips off, making it a difficult point.

Smooth Rock
Smooth Rock

Here, you need to climb carefully and boldly.
The key is to swing your hammer at the right moment.


By the way, if you swing your hammer carelessly, you'll fly off to the left and fall back.
I fell back once.

The usual obstacle

I'm already feeling like "oh no, not again", but there's another obstacle.
This time, it's the "arrow".
This arrow is extremely sturdy.


In terms of placement, it's similar to the top branch.
By the way, the narration at the bottom is a nuisance that occasionally appears.

The video below includes the narration and talks about the kind automatic save.
Thanks to this, even if you don't do anything, your progress will be saved, and everyone will be happy.


Here, you need to swing your hammer with great force and jump up to the first rock while catching the arrow.
Please watch the video below.



Well, that's just how it is.
Let's take a deep breath and move on.
If we get discouraged by this, we'll never clear the game.




The game's design is perfect for making you want to give up, and the occasional narration adds to the stress.
In today's stressful society, maybe overcoming stress with even more stress is a viable strategy.


